Evaluation of the Availability of Critical and Creative Thinking Indicators in Physics Learning Media

Miftahur Rahmi, Fanny Rahmatina Rahim, Silvi Yulia Sari



The objective of this research was to examine the presence of higher-order thinking Skills (HOTS) indicators in physics learning materials for 10th-grade students in the second semester. This research utilized an approach by quantitative and descriptive research design. The target population consisted of all public high schools in Padang. Proportionate stratified random sampling was employed to select the schools, resulting in a sample of six schools. Purposive sampling, a technique of non-probability sampling, was used to choose the learning materials. Data was collected using analytical instruments and subsequently tabulated and interpreted. The findings indicated a limited availability of HOTS indicators in the material for learning, with the lowest value observed in the decision-making skills indicator and the highest value in the critical thinking skills indicator. Overall, the data revealed that the integration of HOTS indicators in the learning materials used by teachers in the sampled schools was insufficient. 


Analysis, creative thinking, critical thinking, learning media, physics


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31258/jgs.11.2.96-105


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