Improving Physics Learning Outcomes Using the Problem-Based Learning Model in Class XII IPA SMA 1 Merapi Timur

Heffi Naini


This research aims to improve the physics learning outcomes of Class XII-IPA high school students using the problem-based learning model. Problem-based learning is a learning model that starts with a real problem through the stages of the scientific method so that learning is more meaningful. The research method was Classroom Action Research which was carried out according to the Classroom Action Research cycle with the research subjects being 28 students in class XII IPA.1 SMA Negeri 1 Merapi Timur. The research instruments are observation sheets and learning outcomes tests. Based on the research results after implementing the problem-based learning model, it was found that students were more active in participating in learning and students' learning outcomes had increased from pre-cycle to 29%, learning outcomes in cycle I was 68%, and in cycle II they were 100%. These results prove that applying the Problem-Based Learning learning model can improve the physics learning outcomes of class XII-IPA.1 students at SMA Negeri 1 Merapi Timur.


Hasil Belajar, Fisika, Problem Based Learning


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