Development of an Integrated Basic Physics Textbook of Al-Qur'an Verses with Social Conten

Muhammad Luqman Hakim Abbas, Bagus Setiawan



This research and development aim to produce a product in the form of a Basic Physics textbook integrated with Al-Qur’an verses with social content, to determine the feasibility, practicality, and effectiveness of the product. This research and development uses Sugiono's research and development steps which consist of ten steps and are only carried out until the eighth step due to time constraints. This research uses instruments in the form of validation questionnaires, product practicality questionnaires, and learning outcomes tests. The results of this development meet valid criteria. The total average score of textbook media experts is 3.5, validation of textbook material experts is 3.6, and validation of textbook integration experts is 3.7. The practicality of the textbook obtained an average score of 3.47 and met the practical criteria. The results of the classical completion analysis for the experimental class were 87.5% of students completed so the product developed was effective in improving the learning outcomes of prospective physics teacher students.


buku ajar; ayat-ayat al-qur’an; konten sosial


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