Development of LKPD Integrated Physics Practicum for Qur'anic Verses Based on Augmented Reality on Class XI High School/MA Fluid Material

Intan Yolanda Fasita, Venny Haris, Sri Maiyena, Artha Nesa Chandra, Hadiyati Idrus



This research aims to produce an Augmented Reality-based practicum LKPD integrated with Al-Qur'an verses. This research is based on physics learning activities at school which are boring and less interesting for students. The research method applies research and development with a 3D development model, namely define, design, and development. The instruments used in this research were validation sheets and practicality sheets. The validation sheet consists of a product validation sheet and a response questionnaire validation sheet as well as a practicality test process sheet carried out at MAN 2 Payakumbuh City. The results of the research obtained validation of the material in the very valid category with a score of 84.86%, the results of the media aspect validation obtained the valid category with a score of 79.86%, and the validation from interpreting experts was in the very valid category with a score of 87.85%. The results of the practicality test on educators and students respectively obtained 84.95% and 91.62% in the very practical category. It was concluded that the integrated Augmented Reality-based physics practicum LKPD with verses was declared valid and very practical for use in learning and practicum activities at MAN or equivalent.


augmented reality, dynamic fluids and static fluids, LKPD practicum physics


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