Differentiated Learning to Improve High School Students' Analysis Ability in Physics Learning
Kata Kunci:
Analytical skills, differentiated learning, learning physics, learning stylesAbstrak
The purpose of implementing differentiated learning in this research was to find and discover learning style-based differentiation so that it can improve students' analytical skills in high school physics learning. This research methodology uses a mixed method with experimental research design with pretest-posttest control group design. The population of the study was grade X students of MAN Purworejo totaling 56 people where the sampling method used purposive sampling. The validation sheet, observation sheet for the use of teaching modules, learning style questionnaire, student response questionnaire, and pretest and posttest analysis skills questions are tools used in this study. Information on analysis skills was collected using equipment and observation sheets. The data analysis used N-gain, homogeneity test, normality test, and independent t-test. The experimental class N-gain calculation resulted in a high category score of 0.73 and the control class score fell into the low category of 0.27. There is a considerable difference between the pretest and posttest results of the experimental class determined through an independent t-test. So it can be concluded that the implementation of differentiated learning has a significant effect on improving students' analytical skills in learning high school physics.